To increase the visibility and quality of sapphic and women-loving-women literature.
The Golden Crown Literary Society goals are to:​
Recognize and reward quality sapphic and women-loving-women literature;
Provide learning opportunities, encouragement, and assistance to new and established writers developing their craft;
Provide opportunities to promote sapphic and women-loving-women literature, including events that bring readers and writers together;
Be inclusive of friends/supporters of sapphic and women-loving-women literature.
The GCLS is the leading literary organization for editors, publishers, narrators, readers, writers, and friends/supporters/allies who celebrate sapphic and women-loving-women literature.
What is women-loving-women and sapphic literature?
Literature that contains a main character who is a woman or nonbinary person who identifies as lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, Two Spirit, sapphic, homo/bi/pan-romantic asexual, and/or queer. If the literature contains a primary romantic arc, it features a woman or sapphically aligned nonbinary person paired with a woman or sapphically aligned nonbinary person.
GCLS asserts unequivocally that trans women are women.
What does sapphic mean?
Sapphic can be a personal identifier or a classification of media. In either case, it refers to women or female-aligned individuals who feel romantic or sexual attraction to other women or female-aligned individuals.

The Golden Crown Literary Society was established at a time when lesbian, women-loving-women, and sapphic literature was not being recognized by people outside of our community.
Founded in 2004, the GCLS knows the importance of being seen.
Our mission statement is at the heart of everything that we do and we strive to make our literature visible and accessible to all.
If you'd like to be a part of that legacy, please consider donating now.
For news about our programming, writing academy, the annual conference, awards, and more, please subscribe to our mailing list.
You can unsubscribe at any time (not that you'd want to!)